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Functional foods

Watch David introduce food types known as ‘functional foods’, present examples of how they can be incorporated into our diet and discuss how they can benefit our health. Find out …

The future of foods

Watch Helen discuss the future of foods as medicine and how the way we approach food and nutrition may change in the future. Talking point Within the Comments, consider sharing …

Farmer or Pharma: Supplements debate

At a time when nutrient supplements are popular, many people ask the question: should we obtain the nutrients we require to be healthy from supplements or from foods? Watch a …

Phytochemicals and antioxidants

Phytochemicals, also called phytonutrients, are naturally occurring plant chemicals that can have protective qualities for human health. Plants produce these chemicals to help protect themselves, for example by making the …


Watch Janeane talk about the role that micronutrients play in our health and how they enable our body to function. Find out more In the See also section of this …


Watch Janeane talk about the importance of macronutrients and their role in our core functions, and our health and wellbeing. Talking point Within the Comments, consider sharing with other learners …

The food matrix

Watch Helen explore the food matrix and explain how a change to the food matrix can potentially impact the health properties of the food we eat. As you watch, think …

Foods and treatment

Watch Janeane talk about the ways food has been used historically across cultures in treating disease and curing illness, and how recent evidence about some foods has helped inform public …

Foods and prevention

Watch Janeane discuss how food can contribute to disease prevention, as well as health and wellbeing. Talking point Within the Comments, consider sharing with other learners some of the foods …

The importance of evidence for food as medicine

The practice of experimentation, researching and exploring ideas has been around for as long as man has existed and recorded information. Many cultures around the world have used folklore, storytelling …

How food has been used as medicine

Watch Janeane discuss some of the ways food has been used as medicine, in the past and and how it’s being used in the present. A voyage to Australia in …