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What are the Health Effects of Ageing?

Ageing population experiences both physical and physiological effects because of a decline in systemic function. Here are some of these specific effects. Physical Effects of Ageing Height Loss Vertebral compression …

Lifelong learning with CQUniversity

Congratulations on completing this course! We hope that you have found the information throughout the last 2 weeks both informative and engaging. This final step presents an opportunity for you …

It’s Never Too Late!

Welcome to Personal Trainer’s Toolkit: Developing Fitness Programs for Older People! On successful completion of this course you will be able to: Explain the physical activity guidelines recommended for older …

Fitness training examples for older adults

Below are some basic guidelines for exercise prescription for the older adult: Warm-up Here are some of the best ways to warm up and their benefits: 10 -20mins of rhythmical …

General Programming and Common Issues

General Programming Considerations Clients need to self-identify tasks and activities of daily living they feel are important Improvement in the execution of tasks can be used to determine progress Group …

Strength Training and Ageing with Vitality

Strength Training ‘Growing Stronger‘ Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity Centers for Disease Control and Prevention USA provides a booklet with programs, screening, goal setting, exercise descriptions, and monitoring sheets. …

Exercise Programs

Exercise Programs Otago Exercise Program Otago Exercise Program Individually prescribed home exercise program comprising: Balance retraining Lower limb muscle strengthening Walking. Program Effectiveness: Four trials – falls reduced 35%, rate …

Fall prevention in older adults

Fall Prevention: Cause and Risk Factors In Older Adults Falls occur due to an underlying cause or risk factor Falls are linked to the physical condition and/or a medical problem …

Effects of Some Medications in Older People

Medications Age and disease can result in changes in pharmacokinetics – the time it takes to absorb, distribute, metabolise and excrete drugs These can also cause different effects on cellular …

Self Efficacy

Self Efficacy Self Efficacy takes on a central role in Bandura’s social cognitive theory. It refers to an individual’s belief in his or her capacity to execute behaviors necessary to …

What are Smart Goals?

Using SMART Goals S – Specific – exact statement of what is to be improved M – Measurable – numerical value attached if possible A – Achievable – challenge but …

Why is Fitness Testing Important?

Testing is an important part of the screening process as it gives one an accurate picture of fitness, an indication of appropriate starting intensities, a baseline for goal setting and …

Adult Pre-Screening

Pre-Screening for Older Adults When engaging in a screening process with a client, it is important to establish a rapport. Rapport is a feeling of empathy and understanding. The following …