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Promoting continence in people with dementia

Watch this video made by the Care Inspectorate for Scotland to raise awareness of the continence needs of people with dementia, and to highlight that promoting continence with this group …


Medication is used to treat bladder and bowel dysfunction. Common bladder conditions treated with drugs include: Overactive bladder (OAB) and urgency incontinence Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) ‘enlarged prostate’ Vaginal atrophy …

Abdominal massage

Abdominal massage can help people with chronic constipation to evacuate their bowel. It is a non-invasive technique, which works by stimulating peristalsis and decreasing transit time through the colon, thus …

Can electrical stimulation treat incontinence?

When it comes to treating incontinence, clinical guidelines recommend conservative interventions, targeted to the type of incontinence, as the first-line treatment approach. Conservative treatment is defined as ‘interventions that do …

What is bladder training?

Bladder training may be used to treat urge and mixed urinary incontinence, frequency and urgency symptoms. It restores normal bladder function by increasing the time interval between voids and reducing …

Toileting Assistance Programmes (TAPs)

Toileting assistance programmes (TAPs) are provided by carers, to help the person to avoid or reduce episodes of incontinence. In this video, clinician Kate Boyce describes how she supports other …

What is behavioural therapy?

Behavioural interventions include a wide array of strategies designed to promote or maintain continence. They range from different lifestyle modifications and adaptations, across changes in voiding and toilet habits, to …

Using ISC to self-manage bladder dysfunction

Intermittent self catheterisation (ISC) can be used to self-manage bladder dysfunction. In Week 1, you met ‘Anne’ who has multiple sclerosis and lives with both urinary and faecal incontinence. In …

Self-managing bowel dysfunction

Diet can be important when self-managing bowel dysfunction. ‘Anne’ has neurogenic bowel dysfunction as well as neurogenic bladder dysfunction. Watch her explaining what she does to manage her bowel dysfunction …

Fluid management

Continence is affected by the type of fluids consumed as well as the amount. Fluid type Caffeine (found in coffee, tea, drinking chocolate and fizzy drinks, such as cola and …

What does self-management of continence involve?

Self management of bladder and bowel continence is dependent on the person’s self-efficacy for continence – This means ‘their confidence in their own capabilities to be continent’. Did you know? …

Behavioural Intervention Groups

The introduction of Behavioural Intervention Groups, which bring groups of up to ten women together for bladder education, has dramatically improved clinic appointment attendance rates from 25% to 75% in …