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The peak of adolescence

Often it is surprising that so many of you indicated that you behaved antisocially in one or more of the mentioned ways in the previous step. You can probably think …

What is antisocial behaviour?

In the next steps we will deal with antisocial behaviour. Examples of antisocial behaviour can be intentionally destroying things, stealing or taking part in fights. In this video you will …

Developing an addiction

In this video Ina Koning explains when alcohol use becomes a problem. One person will get an addiction more easily than the next. That does not say that some people …

How to refuse a drink

We have just discussed the risks of drinking alcohol and you could see what alcohol can do to your body. Nevertheless, many young people still drink and it can happen …

The risks of alcohol use

There is not just a fun side to using alcohol and drugs, but there are also risks involved. In this video the risks of drinking alcohol are discussed.

Why do we use substances?

Before we go into more detail about the risks of substance use, in this video Ina Koning explores the reasons for young people why they start drinking alcohol or using …

Alcohol and having a good time

Welcome to the steps about substance abuse and antisocial behaviour! The use of alcohol is often seen as a way to have fun, but there are also risks involved, especially …

ADHD, what next?

If you have ADHD, what kind of treatments can help me? In this video, Catharina Hartman answers this question. Would you like to talk to someone, do you have more …

How common is ADHD?

In this video Catherina Hartman tells us how often ADHD occurs and how many girls and boys have it. The idea that everybody thinks that they have ADHD will be …

Causes of ADHD

You just saw a list of ADHD causes as you can find them online. In this video Catharina Hartman explains what is and what is not known about the causes …

What is and what is not ADHD?

In this video Catherina Hartman explains the difference between someone with ADHD and someone who occasionally does not pay attention or is very active or impulsive.

What is ADHD?

In this video Catharina Hartman explains that there are two groups of people that have ADHD: those with attention problems and those with hyperactivity & impulsivity problems.

Introduction to ADHD

Did you mention things like attention, busy or chaotic? Very good! In this video Catharina Hartman briefly explains which topics will be discussed about ADHD.