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Image thresholding

Previously we demonstrated how to manually outline and select objects and image features in Fiji. This process can often be automated using a simple technique called thresholding. This video demonstrates …

What is a digital image?

No doubt you will have encountered digital images on countless occasions, probably also taken and used digital images in your work or elsewhere, and possibly even done some post-processing of …

Image analysis summary

Thanks for taking the course! We hope it was helpful. Other courses in the DataCampp collection you may be interested in include: Machine Learning for image data Intro to robotics …

The importance of assumptions

When we are using methods from image analysis, or most other computational techniques, we must make assumptions about the kinds of images the methods will work on. No image analysis …

Active contours: Snakes

A continuation of our discussion of the use of snakes or active contours in model-based image segmentation. This video looks in more detail at the snakes algorithm, in particular introducing …

Example motion applications

How might image motion detection be useful in plant phenotyping? This video gives some possible applications including: Growth measurements Capture of discrete events e.g. seed germination Image stabilisation

Object tracking

Often rather than tracking individual pixels, we wish to track specific objects in the video frame, such as a leaf or a cell nuclei. This requires a method for object …

Practical: Finding edge features

Edge detection is used to find the outline of objects. In this practical you can try this yourself using Fiji, and also see how edge detection is often used with …

Using pixels to see direction of movement

If rather than detecting new motion or objects entering the image frame we are interested in how existing objects are moving, we can calculate something called optic flow. Optic flows …

Detecting motion from pixel data

Before we can detect motion in video, we need a way to extract individual frames and look at the pixel data within them. We can do this using code, but …

Beyond 2D images – Video data

What kinds of data do we mean when we say ‘beyond 2D’? One obvious example is video data. Here, we give an overview of things to consider when collecting video …

Edges and corners

A continuation of our previous video on feature-based image analysis methods. Here we consider how Sobel filtering is used to estimate the magnitude and direction of potential edges in images, …

Edge detection

If, rather than regions in our image we are looking for point or edge features, we might need to use feature-based methods rather than segmentation. In this video we look …