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Meet Producer Sarah-Jane

In this video, Sarah-Jane, a Producer, discusses her responsibilities, both at entry level and in her current role. She explains what it’s like working in media and the main skills …

Useful skills in media

The creative industries are known for being competitive and hard to break into; you’ll need drive, determination and a positive can-do attitude to succeed. With many hardworking, dedicated creatives working …

Ideas for future screens: challenge!

In this step we are getting out our ‘crystal ball’ and looking into the future of the screen industries. Watch Ed’s video introduction, and then let your imagination run riot …

Exploring interactive stories

There are many different forms of interactive storytelling available for you to explore. We’d like you to try out a few different types of interactive storytelling examples and let us …

Why we tell stories

The MacDonnell Mountain Range – a four hundred mile stretch of towering red stone and dramatic gorges – dominates the landscape around the Northern Australian town of Alice Springs. It …

Whose voices are represented in the media?

You have probably heard of Atari, providers of classic computer games such as Pacman, Donkey Kong and Space Invaders. However, there is another reason why Atari is an important company; …

Representation in heritage film and TV

The importance of being able to relate to people, real or fictional, in films, television or interactive media was highlighted in the previous learning step. Here, we’ll consider the representation …

Becoming an author of interactive stories

In the last step we saw how interactive stories differ from linear narratives, because the reader is also an active participant in the story. To be an active participant within …

How we tell stories

Much has been written about the art of telling stories, from the Poetics of Aristotle – written in 350 BCE but still regarded as the most important guide to storytelling …

The Internet and the World Wide Web

The invention of the Internet and the World Wide Web has, undoubtedly, been one of the most revolutionary technological developments with the greatest influence on modern 20th-century life. When was …