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War again

New England was not an unexploited landscape before the colonists arrived. It was already occupied by Native Americans, among them the Narragansett in eastern Massachusetts and the Wabanaki (the ‘People …

Individual biographies

Historical records in New England provide valuable insight into the lives of the Dunbar men after their indentures came to an end. Below are just a selection of potted biographies …

Saugus: how to make iron

This film, made by Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site, shows the working environment and conditions experienced by the Scottish prisoners who went to the Hammersmith Ironworks at Lynn in …

What was an indentured servant?

Residents of New England in 1650 would have been very familiar with the idea of indenture. When contracts of service were drawn up, the legal document was ripped in two, …

Atlantic crossing

Over the years, researchers have proposed a variety of credible destinations for the Dunbar prisoners. It is said that some were sent to fight in Ireland, others to Crete, but …

The French connection

After the Battle of Dunbar, Cromwell had told his followers that they should address themselves next to the conversion of all European monarchies into republics. Five hundred Scottish prisoners were …

Focus on the Fens

On the 1st October 1651, more than a year after the Scots prisoners first arrived in Durham, the Council of State ordered 1,000 prisoners to support one of the most …

Where the survivors went

The text below is the final part of the letter sent by Sir Arthur Haselrigge on the 31st October 1650 to the Council of State for Irish and Scottish affairs …

The UK diaspora

Small groups of Dunbar prisoners were soon deployed in local industries. On the 10th September 1650, even before the men had arrived in Durham, the Council of State had allowed …


This is a good moment in our course to reflect on our results to date and, in particular, to consider the developing historical context for the scientific results which we …

They die daily

I also sent them a daily supply of bread from Newcastle, and an allowance equal to what had been given to former Prisoners: But their Bodies being infected, the Flux …

The prisoners inside Durham Cathedral

The Scots prisoners seem to have made efforts to organise themselves in the cramped conditions inside the Cathedral. Scorch marks from burning braziers are still visible around the walls and …

The march south

Shortly after the battle, on the 9th September 1650, Cromwell wrote: I pray you let humanity be exercised towards them [the prisoners]: I am persuaded it will be comely. Drawing …