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Use Case: V2L

The Vehicle to Load (V2L) use case is significantly different from the previous two we have looked at. The key difference is that the EV is not connected to the …

Use Case: V2H & V2B

The Vehicle to Home (V2H) and Vehicle to Building (V2B) use cases are very similar, so we will look at these together in this step. In fact from a technical …

Proposition 2: Energy Resilience

Looking beyond direct financial benefits, our second value proposition considers using V2G to support energy resilience. This relates to V2G chargers discharging EV batteries for their implementation as a back-up …

A Domestic V2G Case Study

Overview of the Project Sciurus In this step we are going to look at a domestic V2G case study and see how this might differ from the non-domestic applications we …

Barriers 3: Hardware and Compatibility

What would happen if the cost of V2G hardware reduced, and policies all changed to fully support V2G and enable flexibility trading, but everything else remained the same? The answer …

Summary and Next Steps

Congratulations! You have now completed the course. I hope you have learned some valuable things and that the information you have learned will go on to help you in your …

A View of Market Readiness

V2G is competing with a range of alternative technologies to see which one can overcome its barriers and limitations and gain the greatest proportion of the market. So, will V2G …

Impact of EV Uptake

Last week we discussed some of the factors which drove the initial development of V2G. A significant amount of research is still taking place in order to transition the technology …

Alternatives to V2G

From what we have learned so far, V2G is a promising technology with a lot of applications. But it is not the only technology tackling these challenges. In this step …

A Customer’s View of V2G

So far on this course we have discussed a number of different value propositions for V2G. Yet, as with any other product, V2G will succeed or fail as a technology …

Recap of Previous Week

Welcome to Week 3! Before we move on to the learning for this week, let’s take a moment to look back and remember what we learned from last week. Here …

Looking Ahead to Week 3

Well done on reaching the end of Week 2. So, you are now two thirds of the way through the course. By this stage you should have a pretty good …

Looking Ahead to Week 2

So, here we are at the end of the first week of the course. We’ve covered quite a lot in this week, and it is certainly worth highlighting some of …

Recap of Week 1

Welcome back to Week 2! Before we talk about what we are going to learn this week, it is good to take a moment to look back and remember what …

V2G Control – EVSE to EV

In this step we shall take a look, at a high level, at how the EVSE and EV communicate in a V2G system to control this bidirectional energy transfer and …