Riaz Hussain

Riaz Hussain

Lecturer in English
Associate Member: IATEFL &
Member: The Society of Pakistan English Language Teachers (SPELT)
'Live to Learn; Learn to Live.' # Excellence

Location Pakistan



  • Thank you.

  • informative!

  • great!

  • insightful!

  • Riaz Hussain made a comment

    Focus is the key!

  • 'Patience is the virtue that every teacher must acquire.'

  • engagement is the key!

  • “Meaningful”

  • sure!

  • Hi everyone! I am an English teacher from Pakistan.

  • Riaz Hussain made a comment

    great course

  • spirituality!

  • informative

  • informative!

  • informative!

  • Riaz Hussain made a comment

    AI can generate human like content, which is intriguing!

  • Bloviation, the Dunning-Krugar Effect , hallucinations, and bias are the key issues. One major issue is: Can machines think?

  • informative!

  • To be fiscally honest, banks must enhance and improve the management of their finances. At least in the past, certain nations have been accused of taking money from unscrupulous individuals. As of right now, effective measures are needed so that the impacted countries' local authorities can work with the monetary institutions such as the IMF, WB, and UN to...

  • It is claimed by credible people such as Ram Jethmalani, former Minister of Law and Justice of India, and others, and published in the media that money from poor countries is stashed in foreign banks. In Pakistan, some credible people make such claims. Is it true? Is their any mechanism in place to keep a check on it? How can it be returned?

  • Governments in some parts of the world occasionally offer incentives, such as changing currency notes or offering amnesty. In 2016, Pakistan offered amnesty, allowing people to convert their black money into taxable income by declaring and paying it. Are these methods effective, and are international agencies able to put an end to them?
    Federal Minister for...

  • We frequently receive emails offering millions or even billions of cash because bogus emails are so prevalent!

  • vigilance!

  • Interesting. I have heard that in the UK, you can overdraw as well. In
    Pakistan, we can't do it. Is this true?

  • Banks are for the rich. They serve those who already have a lot. The bank closes the door to the poor who need help. The banking model should be Grameen Bank to lift people out of poverty.

  • Digitalization is a positive development if the bank authorities remain one step ahead of criminals in manipulating it.

  • It is difficult to determine whether the invention of money has resulted in more good or harm. Everyone is chasing it and wants to get it, by hook or crook.

  • I'm just curious to know how human creativity works in different contexts so innovatively. The brain is like an amoral machine that can be used either way.

  • Thank you.

  • The economy should be digital, as digital transactions can easily help identify legal and illegal transactions.

  • AI is going to challenge Homo sapiens' intellectual dominance very soon!

  • I am an English teacher from Pakistan interested in AI!

  • interesting!

  • informative!

  • informative

  • intriguing!

  • interesting

  • Riaz Hussain made a comment


  • Everything about AI is fascinating, but NLP is by far the most intriguing aspect for me as an English teacher!

  • Riaz Hussain made a comment

    We can rise above the risks of development that define us, to dream and strive for a future in which the mysteries of the unknown are faced with wonder and awe rather than fear. Keep going!

  • great!

  • While AI provides significant benefits, it is critical to address its concerns in order to reduce risks and ensure responsible adoption. By putting in place ethical frameworks, rules, and strong security measures, the benefits of AI can outweigh the drawbacks, resulting in revolutionary advances while reducing possible consequences.

  • Riaz Hussain made a comment

    While AI provides significant benefits, it is critical to address its concerns to reduce risks and ensure responsible adoption. By putting in place ethical frameworks, rules, and strong security measures, the benefits of AI can outweigh the drawbacks, resulting in revolutionary advances while reducing possible consequences. AI is designed to think and act like...

  • Trust!

  • Efficiency, accuracy, and best experience!

  • informative!

  • impressive!

  • Hi everyone! I am an English teacher from Pakistan. AI is the new norm!

  • informative!

  • A very good initittive!

  • Riaz Hussain made a comment

    I am an English teacher, and I want to stay updated in my field. The course sounds interesting.

  • Nice to see you all! Good luck

  • Mind Management:

    The practice of controlling one's thoughts and emotions in order to improve one's mental health and general quality of life is known as mind management. It involves cognitive techniques, mindfulness, and self-awareness. Self-awareness enables people to identify and comprehend their emotions and mental patterns, which enables them to deal...

  • @SuAprilKyaw Time management: In today's fast-paced society, being able to manage one's time effectively is essential for making the most of one's meager daily time. Setting specific objectives, ranking tasks according to importance, and developing a timetable all contribute to effective time management. It involves assigning time to tasks in accordance with...

  • @SuAprilKyaw Thanks. You are right.

  • @SuAprilKyaw Good Approach

  • @SuAprilKyaw best wishes

  • @SuAprilKyaw Welcome

  • @NoahL Grea piece of advice

  • @NoahL useful!

  • @NoahL Thanks for sharing your ideas

  • @NoahL true

  • @NoahL Thanks for your valuable comments

  • @EsraaMohamed Yes, you are right.

  • @SuAprilKyaw You are welcome.

  • @SuAprilKyaw Thanks. Best wishes for you.

  • Certainly! Common cultural shocks that many students in the UK frequently encounter include learning to deal with the unpredictable British weather, navigating reserved social etiquette, embracing diverse cuisine, comprehending the NHS healthcare system, adjusting to British accents, and becoming fully immersed in the local culture and traditions. These...

  • Preparation and flexibility are required for adjusting to living in the UK. Take advantage of the effective public transportation system and be prepared for the unpredictable weather. Respect the many cultures, etiquette, and manners while being aware of the healthcare system (NHS). Manage your money, participate in social activities to meet people, and...

  • @SuAprilKyaw Thanks. It works for me.

  • @SuAprilKyaw You are right. Good luck

  • Riaz Hussain made a comment

    It's normal to have emotions, having new ideas might be challenging, and enhancing wellbeing calls for having more enjoyable experiences. Numerous support programs are offered by universities, and the NHS can help with mental health issues.

    I want to extend my sincere gratitude to © Newcastle University, the FutureLearn instructors and everyone else who...

  • Plan, prepare, & proceed with a positive mental attitude!

  • In order to access healthcare services in the UK if you have a mental health illness, be sure to register with a general practitioner (GP). Regular drugs can be prescribed by GPs, and they can also recommend specialists if necessary. On the NHS website, locate your neighborhood doctor and follow any registration requirements particular to your university....

  • Mental health issues including anxiety and depression are advised to be treated with talking therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or interpersonal therapy. Clinical investigations have validated these treatments, and the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence has given its approval.

    It's crucial to think about a therapist's...

  • It's crucial to register with a GP (General Practitioner) while seeking treatment for mental health issues in the UK. Your GP can function as your main point of contact for medical advice and referrals to other services. The National Health Service (NHS) is accessed through general practitioners (GPs), who can offer advice, refer you to specialists, provide...

  • All helpful techniques work, but a fully funded scholarship might be the most powerful one!

  • Since there is no easy test to distinguish mental health issues from common habits or physical illness, identifying their symptoms might be difficult. However, typical symptoms in adults and adolescents include excessive worry, sadness, clouded thinking, mood swings, changes in sleep and appetite, altered sex drive, problems with reality perception, substance...

  • PMA: Positive mental attitude!

  • All of these steps are useful and energizing for evading self-critical thoughts. A crucial first step is realizing that thoughts are not reality. A potent strategy for combating unfavorable thought patterns is to change the subject and produce more rational, evidence-based views. Planning for reasonable activity and taking into account life's overall balance...

  • Understanding common negative thought patterns and how they can lead to recurrent experiences of feeling stuck is educative. The cognitive error of "catastrophizing," or exaggerating a circumstance, appears to occur in the Imposter-syndrome cycle. In order to help you think differently, I would suggest challenging the negative views by seeking feedback,...

  • It makes a lot of sense to me that thoughts are interpretations and not facts. It supports the idea that we have the ability to alter our mental processes and counteract negative thinking. CBT appears to be an effective strategy for dealing with self-critical thoughts and enhancing mental wellbeing.

  • An important subject is comprehending one's own critical thinking. It's comforting to know that students and even university professors have self-critical ideas. Being aware of and dealing with these thoughts can be a big step toward better emotional health and academic performance.

  • It's interesting to pause and reflect about feelings. I find that feelings like delight and anticipation are enjoyable since they make life more upbeat and exciting. However, I dislike feelings like worry or sadness since they can be difficult to control and have a detrimental effect on my general welfare.

  • It's intriguing to learn how emotions affect our well-being. Emotions can differ greatly amongst people and cultures. It's intriguing to observe how different languages have particular phrases for complex emotions that might not have an exact equivalent in English. These terms capture the wide range of human emotions and experiences that merit investigation.

  • Riaz Hussain made a comment

    It was informative to finish week 2! My main takeaway is the significance of using tools like the wellness wheel and setting SMART objectives to measure wellbeing. I've also learned more about how important social interactions, a healthy diet, exercise, and sleep are for general wellbeing. I'm eager to learn and use these ideas in greater depth in week 3.

  • sure!

  • informative! I'll attempts to share it with my students!

  • vigilance, equilibrium, and maintaining composure serene and collected

  • Time management & mind management

  • It has been a learning lesson for me to begin new routines. The greatest strategy was to start small and grow up gradually. I want to make a conscious effort to practice more mindfulness each day. Setting small, doable goals will help me improve my habit and prevent perfectionism from getting in the way. I've been able to strike a balance between aiming for...

  • Homesickness could be an issue for which there is no cure.